
Apr 23, 20233 min

Protecting Your IoT Devices from Security Risks: Best Practices and Solutions

Updated: Nov 26, 2023

Hello and welcome to Securivacy! Today we want to talk to you about a very important topic that affects all of us who use the Internet of Things (IoT) devices. These are the devices that connect to the internet and communicate with other devices, such as smart home appliances, wearables, and medical devices. They can make our lives easier, more convenient, and more fun, but they also come with some serious security risks that we need to be aware of and protect ourselves from.

The increased threats from connected IoT devices

You may have heard of some of the horror stories that have happened with IoT devices. For example, hackers have been able to access baby monitors and spy on families, or take control of smart thermostats and turn up the heat to unbearable levels. Hackers can also exploit these devices to access personal data, launch ransomware attacks, or cause physical harm. For instance, a hacker could hack into a pacemaker and alter its settings, or hijack a car's steering system and cause a crash.

These are not just hypothetical scenarios. They have happened in real life and they could happen to anyone who owns an IoT device. According to a report by Thales Group, 90% of consumers lack confidence in the security of IoT devices, and 57% of organizations have experienced a data breach due to an unsecured IoT device.

How can we protect ourselves from IoT security risks?

The good news is that there are some solutions that can help us secure our IoT devices and prevent hackers from exploiting them. Here are some of the best practices that we can follow:

  • Use strong passwords and change them regularly.

  1. Avoid using default passwords or easy-to-guess passwords for your IoT devices.

  2. Use a combination of letters, numbers, symbols, and upper- and lower-case characters. Change your passwords every few months and do not reuse them for different devices or accounts.

  • Update your devices regularly and use a secure update mechanism.

  1. IoT devices often have software vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit. To fix these vulnerabilities, manufacturers release patches and updates that improve the security of the devices.

  2. Make sure you update your devices as soon as possible and use a secure update mechanism that verifies the authenticity and integrity of the updates.

  • Use secure interfaces and encryption.

  1. IoT devices communicate with other devices or servers through interfaces such as web browsers, mobile apps, or cloud platforms.

  2. These interfaces should be secured with encryption protocols such as HTTPS or SSL/TLS that prevent hackers from intercepting or tampering with the data.

  3. Avoid using insecure interfaces such as HTTP or FTP that expose your data to hackers.

  • Use a trusted provider for your IoT security solutions.

  1. IoT security is not something that you can do by yourself. You need a professional partner who can provide you with the knowledge, solutions, and services needed to mitigate cybersecurity risk and trust in the power of the IoT.

  2. Thales Group is the global leader in digital security and IoT security solutions. They offer end-to-end security solutions for IoT devices, from design to deployment to management. They also provide encryption, authentication, identity management, key management, and cloud security services for IoT ecosystems.


IoT devices are amazing inventions that can enrich our lives in many ways. But they also pose significant security challenges that we need to address before they become a nightmare. By following some simple steps and using reliable security solutions from Thales Group, we can enjoy the benefits of IoT without compromising our privacy or safety.

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